a 43 year-old woman-who-never-finished-degree-and-is-now-catching-up's ideal sound mix for studying.
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
My Study Hut
Picture it, I am studying in my second floor office in my Antebellum Victorian home. It's winter, and the cold wind is whistling around the tall windows. The room is large but cozy, overlooking a balcony and a tree-lined street. Thick white linen curtains and amber fairy lights line the walls. A small stone fountain bubbles on a table in the corner, and incense is burning. The tiny tile fireplace is lit, the fire cheerful and crackling. You can hear the waves in the distance. A warm kitty purrs at my feet as I relax in my comfortable chaise. My books, laptop and notebooks are all arranged around me on little tables of varying heights, as is a warm cup of coffee with a little something in it.
I have no obligations other than to myself. My only duty is to exist, and read, and sip coffee and pet this cat. All of my senses are engaged and peaceful. My mind is open and creative. Thoughts that interrupt my space are observed and released. My breaths are slow and deep. My space is protected.
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License details for "My Study Hut"
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Beach Waves by 3bagbrew of http://freesound.org +)
- Ceiling Fan by freesound.org +)
- Film Noir by Matthew Pablo +)
- stirring teapot by osivo +)
- Chimney Fire 1nk by reinsamba from http://freesound.org +)
- Wind howling inside a building by sagetyrtle (freesounds.org) +)
- cat purr even by Trautwein from freesound.org +)
- fountain by Tritus from freesound.org +)
Image from: Kristi Morgan Turner